My professional response to viral TikTok McDonals ten dollar meal

My professional response to viral TikTok McDonals ten dollar meal

Ten dollar McDonals meal goes viral for value and can feed a family of 4!

I know everything is expensive right now and people need to save money. I am well aware that the occasional dinner out at McDonals is fine, and this post isn’t to make anyone feel bad, but rather point out that there are far better and healthier options available.

Depending on what part of the country you live in the McDonals meal costs anywhere between 10-20 dollars. It includes 2 cheeseburgers, 4 small fries, 1, ten piece McNugget and 2 Big Macs. That does not include drinks and dipping sauce, both of which would add a lot more calories, fat and sugar.

Making Healthier Choices Is Easier Than you Think! I Promise!

For the sake of this short post I am going grocery shopping with $14 to feed a family of four. Keep in mind that I live in Alexandria, Virginia so the prices here are on the higher side for everything.

I bought one rotisserie chicken, one pack of instant red mashed potatoes and a mixed salad, with lettuce, cucumber and a red pepper. The entire meal costed about $11 total, and prep time was about 20 minutes. I came home and prepared the meal and then took pictures of it so you could visually see what I was talking about. After the pictures were done, I broke out my Mambo Sauce and ate dinner, shopping and taking pictures of food is hard work!


The Numbers

So let’s compare numbers, remember this is about value and calories, that’s all. I am trying to show people that for about the same amount of money you can get a much healthier meal and still feed a family of four. You can substitute the mashed potatoes for other options, like rice or steamed yams and the salad for a quick steam pack of veggies to make it even easier!

McDonalds Meal                                                                  Chicken Meal

Total Calores–3110                                                                          1780

Total Fat–162 grams                                                                       30-40 grams w/o skin 50 grams w/ skin

Sugar–20 grams!!                                                                           4

Salt–5150 milligrams                                                                     2,960–this varies with how the store prepares it.


Article about low income families and prices!


In conclusion, please don’t let the price of unhealthy food determine what you will eat. Remember that quick, healthy food is readily available and you will feel so much better after a health meal compared to the McDonalds meal.







Simple Ways to Plan and Prepare Meals Even When You’re Busy

Simple Ways to Plan and Prepare Meals Even When You’re Busy

You want to eat healthier, but you’re super-busy.

You eat out several times a week because that’s what you have to do. That’s what works for you and your family (when it comes to time and convenience).

But you probably realize it’s not working great when it comes to your health and fitness goals.

You want better health. You want to eat better. You don’t want the extra calories, fast food and junk food as much anymore. And you DO want to save time and money.

I get it!

So, as a health coach, I am here to help you.

I have a simple strategy that I’m more than happy to share with you. It will help you to plan and prepare healthy meals for the week.

Now, you don’t need to completely abandon your regular meals out. You can use my strategy to help you eat out just one or two fewer times per week. It’s up to you.

As with any lifestyle change, start gradually so you can build consistency. The key here is to make it easy, doable and rewarding enough to do again and again.

Let me walk you through my simple meal prep system, and how this can work for you.


I prefer to do this on the weekend. I’ll flip through my recipes and choose a bunch to make that week. I’ll even pick which days to have which meals if I’m feeling overly ambitious, but that’s not necessary if you’re new to this. I’ll bookmark the pages and write my chosen recipes down in a notebook or even a sheet of paper to put on my fridge. I like to have at least one crock pot meal each week because they’re so easy, and dinner is ready and waiting when you get home.

Then I create my grocery list. I take a quick look in my fridge, freezer and pantry, and list the recipe ingredients that I need to buy.

Pro Tip: If you’re not sure you have enough of an ingredient already, consider buying a “backup” one just in case. I’ve had times where the tomato sauce I planned to use was a bit short of what I actually needed. Having to run out in the middle of meal prep can be very frustrating.

Another thing to consider is doubling the recipe(s), so you can prep and cook once, but have twice the meal at the end. The extras can be taken for lunch, or frozen to pull out the night before a busy day, so you just need to heat it up when you’re ready.

Pro Tip: If you’re doubling a recipe, don’t forget to double the amount you buy from the grocery store.

Once you have your handy-dandy grocery list ready, hop on over to the store and pick up your essentials. If you don’t have enough food storage containers for your meals, now’s the time to pick up some of those too.

Pro Tip: If you’re not a fan of washing and chopping produce, then consider buying them already pre-washed and pre-chopped, or even frozen. You can make your meal prep even easier if you don’t mind spending a couple of extra dollars.


Since you’ve already chosen your recipes and have your groceries, let’s get started on prepping some of the ingredients.

I like to book off 2-3 hours one afternoon for this. Get your recipes ready, clear off your counter, and play some music (if you’re so inclined).

At this point, depending on time, I’ll either prep the ingredients, or pre-cook the entire recipe. Sometimes just washing and chopping produce and putting it in containers is a huge time-saver for weeknights. Or, you can go through and make a whole meal, and divide it up into portions and refrigerate or freeze. It’s really up to you, because the more you do now, the less you’ll have to do when you’re hungry.


There is one meal that is easiest to plan and prepare in advance. It’s one that’s also often the most difficult to eat at home if you’re busy.

That’s breakfast.

Planning some overnight oatmeal is a great start to any day. Simply place ½ cup rolled oats, ½ cup your choice of milk, 1 tbsp chia or flax seeds into a container (or make 5 for the whole week). Then place the lid on, shake them up and put them in your fridge. In the morning you can quickly heat them up or even eat them cold (the oats will have absorbed the milk). Top with berries, chopped fruit, nuts or seeds and enjoy.

With a little planning, you’ll be able to eat healthier while you save money and calories.

This may take some getting used to, so if I can be of help, please reach out and let me know.


How Much Exercise Do You Really Need To Get In Shape?

How Much Exercise Do You Really Need To Get In Shape?

How much exercise do you *actually* need to get in shape?

Twenty minutes three times per week? Half-hour per day?

And how much is too much?

Do you need to sweat it out for an hour or more every day?

Let’s go over the (sometimes) mysterious amount of exercise that is ideal. Ideal for your health and wellness. Ideal for getting into shape.

Starting with the minimum.


Of course, you’re going to have to start from where you are right now. If you’re not already exercising regularly, there is no need to go overboard. In fact, trying too much too soon may derail your motivation, and become a reason you just throw in the towel.

So, let’s say you’re not that active (yet). What if I were to recommend “ten to twenty minutes every other day at a level you think you can do?” How does that sound as a starting point?

Pretty do-able, I’d say!

If you’re not training for a competition, you can absolutely get into great shape starting with this plan.

It’s going to longer, I’m not gonna lie. But that time is going to pass anyway, so when the next season comes around wouldn’t you want to be proud of your improved strength and fitness?

Yes, I thought so!


Now, there isn’t one answer for everyone. The main rule is to begin with where you are. Take note of your fitness level and your goals and increase and improve slowly. There really is no quick fix (at least no quick fix that will give you lasting long-term results).

Always consider what is reasonably sustainable for you, based on:

  • What is your long-term fitness goal?
  • What else is going on in your life (i.e. how much time do you really have)?
  • What is your current state of fitness?

But don’t stop there!

As you create a sustainable exercise habit, it will start getting easier. So, don’t forget to make it a bit more challenging as you go. Every week do something to push yourself a bit farther than you were before. If you’re strength training, do another repetition or grab the next heavier weight. If you’re doing cardio, go a bit longer, farther, and/or faster.

A great motivational tool is to log your workouts. A simple notepad or workbook (or app) will do! Just enter your reps, sets, and/or times each time you workout. This will not only help you to keep motivated to continue, but it will also help you see where you can squeeze in that extra challenge as you progress.

After several weeks you can stop and evaluate. Keep going the way you are, ramp it up, or change it completely. Eventually, you will find yourself getting stronger, and more fit!


While exercise is very, very good for your health, wellness and longevity, it’s not the only thing to consider. What you eat is going to have as big, or bigger, impact on your shape.

Some of my favorite super-simple tips that give you the biggest “bang for your buck” are:

  • Eat more veggies
  • Swap the soda for soda water with fruit
  • Cut your treats and sweets in half (and hide half) before indulging
  • Reduce the serving size of your main meals (try using a smaller plate)
  • Eat slower and savor it more by chewing each bite of food more thoroughly
  • Carry around healthy (unsweetened fiber-rich) snacks like nuts, fruit and berries


You don’t need to exercise like crazy to get into shape. I promise! But you do need to do the following:

  • Start from where you are, and don’t go overboard.
  • If you’re a beginner, that means 10 – 20 minutes every other day at an easy level.
  • Log your workout progress to track improvements and keep motivated.
  • Slowly increase the difficulty every week as you get stronger and fitter.
  • Don’t forget to eat your veggies, reduce your serving sizes (especially treats) and carry around healthy snacks.
  • Talk with your doctor before beginning any new exercise or nutrition program.
  • Make an appointment to chat with me (your health coach) on how I can support you getting into shape


How Hormones Affect Your Energy And Weight

How Hormones Affect Your Energy And Weight

Are willpower and self-control the real solution to low energy and high weight?

Maybe not.

It might actually be your (powerful) hormones.

And we’re not just talking about sex hormones here; we’re talking about the hormones that directly affect your blood sugar, metabolism, and appetite. Things that actually control your energy and weight.

Let’s go over a few of the critical links between your hormones, and how they affect your energy and weight. The links may be stronger than you think.


Having healthy, happy hormones is all around the “health waves” these days.

And for good reason! Your hormones are part of the master control system of your entire body.

Hormones are compounds made by one part of the body that are used to communicate with another part. For example, insulin is made in the pancreas. When your blood sugar gets too high, insulin is released into the bloodstream. Then, it goes to your muscles and other cells to tell them to absorb that sugar out of the blood (and if there is still too much blood sugar, it signals to store it as fat).

Your hormones control not only your blood sugar, but also your metabolism and appetite (plus a host of other things). And you probably know that having healthy blood sugar, metabolism and appetite is a foundation for your optimal energy and weight.

So, how can your hormones get out of whack to zap your energy and pile up the pounds?


In optimal health, your hormones would work great, and you’d have ample energy and be a good healthy weight.

But often there are problems with this whole setup. One common issue is that there may be too much or too little hormone released to have the desired effect. This is known as hypo- or hyper- “hormone” (i.e. hypo- or hyperthyroidism).

Another common issue is that, even if the right amount of hormone is released, the cells they communicate with can start ignoring them. This is known as hormone “resistance” (i.e. insulin resistance).

As you can imagine, if your hormones have such critical jobs, including controlling blood sugar, metabolism and appetite, they can definitely cause issues with your energy and weight.


Your metabolism is key for controlling your energy. Metabolism itself is basically how much energy (calories) you burn. One of the main players of this is…you guessed it! Your thyroid hormones.

Your thyroid releases hormones that affect the metabolism of all the cells in your body. If it’s too low and your metabolism goes down (hypothyroid), you may feel cold, hungry and tired. If it’s too high and your metabolism is too fast (hyperthyroid), you may feel hot, jittery and lose weight.

What you actually want is an ideal metabolism, ideal energy use, ideal temperature, and an ideal weight. Your thyroid hormones are the master controller here.


Your weight may be controlled by hormones more than you think! Insulin controls your blood sugar, and whether that sugar is going to be stored as fat or not. And when your blood sugar is too low, you may start craving sugar and carbs.

You also have hormones that control your appetite! How hungry and how full you feel are controlled by the hormones ghrelin & leptin. When those get out of whack, you may find yourself wanting to eat because your body thinks you’re hungry and not satisfied…even if that’s not true.

And craving food (especially sugary ones) and not feeling full are going to be huge drives for you to eat more. Even if your body doesn’t truly need it, the hormonal signals tell you that you do.

And don’t forget that stress hormone cortisol. When it’s too high for too long, it tells your body to store fat. And not just any fat – belly fat!


Your body is very complex and uses hormones to control a huge number of functions. They control your blood sugar, metabolism, and appetite, amongst others. And these directly affect how much energy you feel, how much you weigh, and even where your body fat is stored.

Here are a few “hormone stabilizing” tips that might help you with your energy and weight:

  • Get regular exercise to use up excess blood sugar before your insulin has your body store it as fat
  • Try stress-relieving activities like deep breathing, meditation or even coloring to reduce your (belly-fat inducing) cortisol
  • Support your thyroid with iodine-containing sea vegetables, fish, legumes, or even an egg
  • Balance your blood sugar with extra fiber from raspberries, avocados, or flax seeds
  • Reduce blood sugar spikes by replacing your juice or soda with fruit-infused water
  • If you need some support with your energy levels and/or weight, contact me (your health coach) for a strategy session to see how I can help you.


How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

Traveling soon? Perhaps a long-awaited vacation? Business trip? Something completely different?

No matter where you’re going, you’re probably going to appreciate some quick and easy healthy food ideas. These can help you stay on track and help you bring, and find real food. While these tips can all be used right here at home, this is extra-important when you’re traveling. Traveling can throw your regular healthy habits off when you’re skipping time zones or even just being in a different place.

As a health coach, I have such a sense of pride when my clients skip junky convenience foods. Let me give you some great strategies that can help you do this while you’re “on the road.”

Pro Tip: When booking your hotel room, ask if you can have one with a mini-fridge. This will help you store some of your healthy snacks and groceries while you’re there.


Well, this is important because not only will it keep you from becoming a “hangry junk-seeker,” but it can also hold you off until you’re able to stop at a proper grocery store for say…actual real food!

Here are a bunch of my favorite on-the-go snacks to have on hand in your bag and/or cooler:

  • If you’re going to have a cooler, or eat them within a couple of hours, try fresh fruit or boiled eggs (don’t forget the ice packs).
  • Unsalted nuts and seeds (I love walnuts and pumpkin seeds myself).
  • Dried or even freeze-dried fruit.
  • Kind Bars or Organic Bars of your choice
  • Sliced veggies (carrots, celery, cucumber, broccoli, etc.) with a dip (hummus, guacamole, salad dressing, etc.). You can even buy single-serving packs at Costco.
  • Find good quality protein bars, or make your own before heading out.
  • Good quality granola cereal (I love Purely Elizabeth varieties)
  • Savory snacks like roasted chickpeas.
  • High-quality protein powder to make your own smoothies (I like Sun Warrior or Organifi). Be sure to also pack a mini blender, like a Magic Bullet, if needed.
  • And don’t forget your drinks. Bring some water with you. Or if you’re flying, choose water in the airport and on the plane.



Of course, you can always Google your destination and search for grocery stores or healthy restaurants. But there are a couple of websites and apps that may be helpful for you.

  • FindMeGlutenFree – A website that searches for gluten-free restaurants around the US.
  • HealthyOut – An app that helps you find restaurants that cater to your dietary preferences, be they gluten-free, lactose-free, low-calorie, low-carb, etc.
  • Food Tripping – Designed for road trips, this app helps you find alternatives to fast food.


Travelling often comes with unnecessary junk food that can derail your healthy lifestyle. Planning ahead and being prepared can be simple, and help keep your health goals on track even when you’re out and about!


Easy Ways To Eat More Fruits and Veggies Every Day

Easy Ways To Eat More Fruits and Veggies Every Day

Yes, it seems everywhere you turn health and wellness experts are telling you to eat more fruits and vegetables.

You totally get it.

Yes, they’re full, and I mean FULL, of nutrition (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, etc.).

Yes, people who eat more fruits and vegetables live longer, healthier lives. Not to mention protecting their bodies and minds from just about every chronic disease out there. Yes, eating more vegetables can help you maintain a healthy body weight, and even lose some fat (as long as you don’t bread and fry them, or cover them with cream sauce).

Your question is not “Should I eat more fruits and vegetables,” but “How can I actually do it?”

Believe me, as a health coach I’m chock full of amazing, creative and delicious ways to help you eat more fruits and veggies. And before we dive in, always start from where you are. If you’re not used to any fruits or veggies, try for just two per day. Build up from there. Don’t get overwhelmed thinking you need to overhaul your entire diet I one day. Wherever you’re at now, I challenge you to increase it by two per day.

Now, let’s dive into my helpful ideas on exactly HOW to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet!


OK, this one may be, shall we say, “sneaky,” but I’m all about your health, so hear me out.

Some dishes are super-easy to enhance with a bit of strategically placed produce. What do you think of these ideas?

  • Add ½ apple, a small handful of spinach, or extra berries into your smoothie.
  • Dice or shred up an extra bit of carrot, broccoli, zucchini or pepper into your soup.
  • Love sandwiches? Why not add an extra slice of tomato, lettuce or cucumber to it?
  • How about chicken, tuna, or salmon salad? Dice up a stalk of celery and throw it in.
  • Love to bake? How about substituting ¼ cup of the sugar for ¼ cup of unsweetened applesauce?
  • Used to having a small salad? Why not try a larger one?
  • Making tomato sauce? Add in some extra mushrooms or peppers.
  • Steam some frozen corn and add a touch of olive oil and your favorite herb or spice.
  • Use veggies as your sandwich “bread” by making a lettuce wrap.
  • Don’t be afraid to spice them up! Try sauteing them for 10 minutes with a drizzle of oil and flavor them with pepper, garlic, ginger or cumin.
  • Why not throw a banana, apple or a couple of clementines into your lunch bag?
  • Ditch the chips and dip – Instead try some carrot, celery, broccoli, cucumber or cauliflower with a dip like hummus, guacamole, or even your favorite salad dressing?
  • Love sweetened yogurt? Buy plain, and immerse it with fresh or frozen berries.

Take two of these suggestions and try them tomorrow. Just add two more fruits and veggies to the number you’re at today. Two more. And if you’re not an instant fan, well, try again. Research shows that sometimes it takes our taste buds several tries before actually beginning to like a new flavor. Try it; you might just find some new faves.

You can do it!

Let me know your favorite ideas in the comments below.